The Houseof the King(王室家族),首领:国王Turgon(图尔冈)
The Houseof the White Wing(护卫羽翼家族),首领:Tuor(图尔)
The Houseof the Mole(鼹鼠家族),首领:Maeglin(迈戈林) The House of the Fountain(喷泉家族),首领:Ecthelion(埃克希利恩)
The House of the Golden Flower(金花家族),首领:Glorfindel(格洛芬德尔)
The House of the Hammer of Wrath(愤怒之锤家族),首领:Rog
The House of the Tree(圣树家族):首领:Galdor
The House of the Swallow(飞燕家族),首领:Duilin
The House of the Heavenly Arch(天堂之箭家族),首领:Egalmoth (也被称为House of the Rainbow)
The House of the Harp(竖琴家族),首领:Salgant
The House of the Pillar & The House of the Tower of Snow(梁柱家族和雪塔家族),首领都是Penlod